From March 28th to April 3rd 2022!

A 7 days free online short-term course of Brazilian Portuguese language!  Just enter your email below to participate!

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What are you going to learn?


In this first day of classes, you will learn the method used in Yes Portuguese School - which is also the way we learned foreign languages, like English, for example. This method is also what you will find in the classes of this Short Course of Brazilian Portuguese! The second class of the day will bring vocabulary and sentences that will help you to have your first conversations in Portuguese.


In Class 3, you will learn how to give personal information and you will also learn about different Brazilian accents due to regional differences. An extra lesson was prepared for you on this second day of the Short Course, in which you will learn about a tool that will help you to memorize stuff a little bit faster.


On the third day of the event, the classes bring different topics. First, in class 4, you will learn how to talk about things you like, your preferences, and you will learn vocabulary related to food and drinks. In class 5, on the other hand, you will practice the pronunciation of the most difficult sounds in Brazilian Portuguese which will help you to overcome some pronunciation issues you may have.


In this special Live Class on Youtube, we will answer questions you may have about the method or about some topic that was taught in the first three days of classes. Also we will correct the exercises of each lesson.


Class 6 brings important information about structure, more specifically we will talk about the use of articles and pronouns in Portuguese and how they are related to gender and number. Class 7, on its turn, brings a summary and a review of the last classes and an orientation about your next steps if you want to achieve fluency in Portuguese.

The event starts in:

00 Dias
00 Horas
00 Minutos
00 Segundos

Short Course of Brazilian Portuguese 2022

Sign up and get notified as soon as classes start.

Short Course of Brazilian Portuguese 2022

Sign up and get notified as soon as classes start.

Participate in the course from March 28th to April 03rd, 2022 – a week of content, that will guide your  Portuguese studies!

About the Yes Portuguese creators and teachers:

Adrieli and Ludmila

Co-founders and teachers of Yes Portuguese School, Adrieli and Ludmila are both PhD in Linguistics with an applied emphasis and experience in language teaching. Both have  learned English by themselves using the method they apply to the teaching of Portuguese as foreign language in the Yes Portuguese School. This method is based on real life interactions, which is responsible for making the students of Yes Portuguese School learn Portuguese much faster than those studying with other methods – resulting in greater confidence when speaking with natives.